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文章来源:互联网络 文章编辑:admin 添加时间:2004-4-6

Mathias Lother, Reiner R. Dumke
University of Magdeburg, Dept. of Computer Science, Postfach 4120, 39016 Magdeburg,
Germany, Tel.: +49-391-67-18664, Fax: +49-391-67-12810, Email:
{lother,dumke}@ivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de, http://ivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/sw-eng/us/
5. 可供选择的功能规模度量方法
预言性的对象点( Predictive Object Points),
组件重用制(Component Reuse Metrics ),
构件点(Construction Points)
5.1预言性的对象点(Predictive Object Points)
在意识到传统的软件度量方法不足以适用于面向对象软件的生产力跟踪和工作量预测后,预言性的对象点方法被开发了[38][39]。 预言性的对象点方法是特别为面向对象软件设计的度量方法并且它是通过度量系统的面向对象属性得到结果。预言性对象点方法满足第4.5节所提到的重用包含问题,因为它度量软件传递的原始功能数,包括对象间的交流信息和通过继承的重用。预言性对象点方法的核心是Chidember和Kemerer提出的每类权重度量方法(the Weighted Methods per Class metric),但也受到面向对象度量方法继承树深度方法(Depth of Inheritance Tree DIT)和子类数方法(Number of Children NOC)的影响。实际情况是提供一个面向对象和工作量之间对数据研究的联系,这是通过度量和计算过程研究结果。但仍有障碍需要克服。需要收集额外的数据和修正原始结果。 另外一点是填补在早期分析过程中可能的工作产品和预言性对象度量计算需要的缺口。更进一步是考虑用例作品和预言性对象点之间的直接关系和自动度量过程。
推荐读物: [38],[39]
5.2 组件重用度量方法(Component Reuse Metric)
Virtanen提出了一种估计软件开发工作量的新方法[40][41]。组件重用方法综合了面向对象组件技术的最好方法和对人类行为(技能,动机,团队影响)的分析而形成简单计算规则。组件重用方法用不同种类的组件数来表示软件规模,并认为这些数字是不可加的。而且这种方法考虑的风险的影响,特别是风险未来蔓延的影响也考虑了。用组件自己代替一些规模度量单位来表示规模是组件重用方法一个不同的特点,另外一个特点是它对人的影响作用的重要估价。 任务的基本估计大多数用工作量估计方法,最重要是窗口数和数据表的个数的度量。组件重用方法可以看成这种方法的扩展。根据有关案例研究情况,在没有经验和历史数据,估计项目和人的影响作用是困难的。但依照Virtanen观点,很明显,如果这些估计是准确的,组件重用将是一个非常正确的方法。为了发布产品(译者注:这种方法的发布)必须进行进一步研究。
推荐读物: [40], [41]
5.3 构件点(Construction Points)
Victor和Daily提出了一种所谓构件点的能估计作业叫SPECTRE的方法[42]。她的目的是预测开发任务时间和模块规模,这些都和项目因素如任务内容和复杂度以及开发人员的知识和经验等非常敏感。 这种方法在路线上和功能点分析方法有些相似,但目标实体上有区别,功能点分析是面向项目而构件点是面向任务的测量制度。构件点是基于许多年的经验积累观察,而且依照Victor 和Daily说法,她有众所周知的可检查的准确性。 SPECTRE 利用她的构件点能有效地应用于完善地任务说明,事实上,她也可以方便地应用于整个开发过程的任务规范。
推荐读物: [42]
6. 总结
在规则系统/科学系统软件方面的度量 ,
总之, 建立一种能作为度量独立领域并且利用所有软件生命周期阶段产物而得到度量输入的国际标准的规模度量方法是悦人心意的。
7. 参考文献
[01] Capers Jones, "Applied Software Measurement – Assuring Productivity and Quality", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.
[02] Rebecca Winant, "Management, Methods and Teamwork", www.espritinc.com, Esprit Systems Consulting, Inc., 2000.
[03] David Garmus, David Herron, "Estimating Software earlier and more accurately - The estimating Principle", Methods and Tools, Martinig & Associates, 1999 (Volume 7 - number 3).
[04] Tom DeMarco, "Software Project Management", Wolfram’s Fachverlag, Attenkirchen, 1989.
[05] Manfred Bundschuh, Axel Fabry, "Aufwandssch?tzung von ITProjekten", MITP-Verlag GmbH, Bonn, 2000.
[06] Denis St.-Pierre, Marcela Maya, Alain Abran, Jean-Marc Desharnais, Pierre Bourque, "Full Function Points: Counting Practices Manual", University of Quebec, Montreal, 1997.
[07] David Garmus, David Herron, "Measuring the Software Process - a Practical Guide to Functional
Measurement", Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, 1996.
[08] Charles Symons, "Come Back Function Point Analysis (Modernized) - all is forgiven", Proceedings of FESMA-DASMA 2001, Heidelberg, 2001.
[09] Scott Whitmire, "3-D Function Points: Scientific and Real-Time Extensions of Function Points", Proceedings of the 1992 Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, 1992.
[10] Thomas Fetcke, "The Warehouse Software Portfolio - A Case Study in Functional Size Measurement", Forschungsbericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Universit?t Berlin, 1999.
[11] IFPUG, "Function Point Counting Practices Manual, Release 4.0", International Function Point
User Group, 1994.
[12] IFPUG, "Function Point Counting Practices Manual, Release 4.1", International Function Point
User Group, 1999.
[13] UKSMA, "MK II Function Point Analysis -Counting Practices Manual", United Kingdom
Software Metrics Association, 1998.
[14] Charles Symons, "Software Sizing and Estimation - Mk II FPA", John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
West Sussex, 1991.
[15] Alain Abran, Serge Oligny, Charles Symons, "COSMIC FFP and the World-Wide Field Trials
Strategy", New Approaches in Software Measurement, Springer Verlag Berlin, 2000.
[16] Alain Abran, Jean-Marc Desharnais, Serge Oligny, Charles Symons "COSMIC FFP Measurement Manual Version 2.1", Common Software Measurement International Consortium, 2001.
[17] Pam Morris, "Total Metrics Resource - Discussion Paper - Evaluation of functional size measurements for real-time embedded and control systems", Total Metrics, www.totalmetrics.com, 2000.
[18] Stephen G. MacDonnell, "Comparative Review of functional complexity assessment methods for effort estimation", Software Engineering Journal, 1994.
[19] Ray Boehm, "Function Point FAQ", Software Composition Technologies, Inc., www.ourworld.com/homepages/softcomp, Software Composition Technologies, Inc., 1997.
[20] David Longstreet, "Function Points Applied to New and Emerging Technologies", Longstreet Consulting, Inc., 2000.
[21] Thomas Fetcke, "A Generalized Structure for Function Point Analysis", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Measurement, Lac Superieur, 1999.
[22] Harry Sneed, "SofttCalc 4.1 - User Manual", SES Software Engineering Services GmbH, 1995.
[23] Chris F. Kemerer, "Software Project Management: Readings and Cases", Software Engineering@Carnegie Mellon, www.distance.cmu.edu,1997.
[24] Vinh T. Ho, Alain Abran, "A framework for Automatic Function Point Counting from Source Code", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Measurement, Lac Superieur, 1999.
[25] Keith Paton, "Automatic Function Point Counting using Static and Dynamic Code Analysis", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Measurement, Lac Superieur, 1999.
[26] Reiner Dumke, Erik Foltin, Reinhard Koeppe, Achim Winkler, "Softwarequalit?t durch Me?tools
- Assessment, Messung und instrumentierte ISO 9000", Vieweg-Verlag, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1996.
[27] Markus Oppermann, "Anwendung und prototypische Implementierung der Full Function Point Methode", Diploma thesis, University of Magdeburg, 2001.
[28] Ulrich Schweikl, Stefan Weber, Erik Foltin, Reiner Dumke, "Applicability of Full Function Points at Siemens AT", Software-Metriken, Deutscher Universit?tsverlag, Wiesbaden, 2000.
[29] Simon Iok Kuan Wu, "Using Function Point Analysis Method or Line of Code for Software Size
Estimation", Project Control: The Human Factor - Proceedings of ESCOM-SCOPE 2000, Munich, 2000.
[30] Capers Jones, "What are Function Points", www.spr.com, Software Productivity Research, Inc., 1997.
[31] Roberto Meli, "Functional Metrics: Problems and Possible Solutions", FESMA 1998, Antwerpen, 1998.
[32] Chris Lokan, Alain Abran, "Multiple Viewpoints in Functional Size Measurement", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Measurement, Lac Superieur, 1999.
[33] Roberto Meli, " Early and Extended Function Point: Early and Extended Function Point: a new method for Function Points a new Method for Function Points Estimation", IFPUG – Fall Conference, Scottsdale, 1997.
[34] Vinh T. Ho, Alain Abran, Serge Oligny, "Using COSMIC FFP to quantify potential for Functional Reuse in Software Development", Project Control: The Human Factor – Proceedings of ESCOM-SCOPE 2000, Munich, 2000.
[35] David Longstreet, "OO and Function Points" , www.SoftwareMetrics.com, Longstreet Consulting
Inc., Blue Springs, 2001.
[36] David Longstreet, "Use Cases and Function Points", www.SoftwareMetrics.com, Longstreet Consulting Inc., Blue Springs, 2001.
[37] Roberto Meli, Luca Santillo, "Function Point Estimation Methods: A Comparative Overview " FESMA 1999, Amsterdam, 1999.
[38] Arlene F. Minkiewicz, "In Measuring Objectoriented Software with Predictive Object Points", www.pricesystems.com , PRICE Systems, L.L.C., 2000.
[39] Georges Teologolu, "Measuring Objectoriented Software with Predictive Object Points", Project Control for Software Quality, Proceedings of ESCOM 1999, 1999.
[40] Pentti Virtanen, "Component Reuse Metrics - assessing Human Effects", Project Control: The Human Factor - Proceedings of ESCOM-SCOPE 2000, Munich, 2000.
[41] Pentti Virtanen, "Empirical Study Evaluating Component Reuse Metrics ", Project Control: Satisfying the Customer - Proceedings of ESCOMSCOPE 2001, London, 2001.
[42] David Victor, Kevin Daily, "Software Estimating at the task level - the Spectre approach", Project Control: Satisfying the Customer - Proceedings of ESCOM-SCOPE 2001, London, 2001.
[43] Daniel Reitz, "Konzeption und Implementation von palmbasierten Werkzeugen zur Unterstützung des Softwareentwicklungsprozesses", Diploma thesis, University of Magdeburg, 2001.
[44] Richard D. Stutzke, "Using UML Elements to Estimate Feature Points", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Measurement, Lac Superieur, 1999.
[45] Rainer Dumke, Erik Foltin, Evgeni Dimitrov, Michael Wipprecht, Andreas Schmietendorf, "Projekt Softwarewiederverwendung", Research Report, Deutsche Telekom, Berlin, 1999.
[46] Alain Abran, Jean-Marc Desharnais, "Literature review on Object Points and Engineering Function Points", Internal Report, 1999.
[47] Barbara Kitchenham, Norman Fenton, "Towards a Framework for Software Measurement Validation", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vo. 21, No.12, December1995.
[48] Thomas Fetcke, "Two Properties of Function Points Analysis", in Reiner Dumke, Franz Lehner: ?Software Metriken-Entwicklungen, Werkzeuge und Anwendungsverfahren“, Deutscher Universit?ts-Verlag, 2000.
[49] ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Software Engineering, "DTR 14143-3.4: Software Engineering - Functional Size Measurement - Part 3: Verification of functional size measurement methods", Version 43, 2001-06-15
[50] ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Software Engineering, "DTR 14143-3.4: Software Engineering - Functional Size Measurement - Part 4: Reference Model", Version 419 TR, 2000-12-23
[51] ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Software Engineering, "DTR 14143-3.4: Software Engineering -Functional Size Measurement - Part 5: Determination of Functional Domains for use with functional size measurement", Version PDTR 31Pdt536, January 2001
[52] Hassan Diab, Marc Frappier, Richard St- Denis, David Dery, "Counting Function Points from B Specifications", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Measurement, Lac Superieur, 1999.
[53] Hassan Diab, Marc Frappier, Richard St- Denis, "A Formal Definition of COSMIC FFP for Automated Measurement of ROOM Specifications", Proceedings of FESMA-DASMA 2001, Heidelberg, 2001.

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